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Excel line reader

Read an Excel file line by line. For example:

An Excel file
  |    A    |    B    |    C    |
1 | header1 | header2 | header3 |
2 | data1A | data1B | data1C |
3 | data2A | data2B | data2C |
4 | data3A | data3B | data3C |
| SHEET_1 | SHEET_2 |
Reader configuration
Sheet name: SHEET_1
Start line: 2 (starting reading from line 2)
Preload lines: 1 (load the first line to use it on line 2, 3 & 4)


Sheet nameREQUIRED
The name of the Excel sheet to read.
Start lineREQUIRED
The line number to start reading from.
Preload lines

The lines to load and keep in memory to be used on each line read. (For example, you can load the first line and use it on line 2, 3, 4, etc.)


Excel row

The current row being read from the Excel sheet.