Mapping > Array > Item at index
Returns array item at the specified index
Returns array item at the specified index
Convert a text to a date object
Convert a text to a datetime object
Calculate the duration between two dates
Returns current date and time
Convert a text to a time object
Get a sheet from an Excel file
Extract cell from an Excel row
Put value into a cell on an Excel row
Get the cell value of an Excel sheet
Get multiple values from an Excel row
Converts a number to a geolocation point
Add a value to a JSON object
Data modeling, enforce complex object value.
Add a key and value to a JSON object
Merge multiple JSON objects into one
Validate a JSON object against a schema
Extract a value from a JSON object using a path
Returns a random item from an list
Logical AND condition
Filter number by a condition
Logical OR condition
Filter text by a condition
Filter text by multiple conditions
Average of numbers
Count of numbers
Division of numbers
Maximum value of numbers
Mininum value of numbers
Remainder of the division of two numbers
Raise a number to the power of another number
Multiplication of numbers
Round a number
Total addition of numbers
Convert a text to a number
Map a number to a text
Generate a random number
Read a CSV file line by line
Read an Excel file line by line
Read an Excel file workbook
Read a Google Sheet line by line
Read a JSON file elements by elements
Read a JSON file line by line
Read a PDF file page by page
Read an XML file elements by elements
Concatenate two text values
Join text values with a separator
Get the length of a text
Convert a text to lowercase
Generate a random text
Generate a random unique identifier
Capture element from a text using regexp
Replace a text match with another text
Split a text into a list of text values
Template text using placeholders
Convert a text to uppercase
List of all available types
Write an CSV file line by line
Write an Excel file line by line
Write a Google sheet line by line
Write elements to a JSON file
Write elements to a JSONL file
Write elements to an XML file
Add a value to a XML node
Get an attribute from a XML path
Get a value from a XML path
Execute given mapping